MArS webinar slides on cost of Covid-19 available

On Thursday, April 23 2020, MArS offered the webinar “How many billion of Euros does the fight against the Covid-19-virus cost the healthcare system? A health economic modelling analysis for Germany”.

The presented slides are now available on our website MArS – Stefan Walzer – Webinar – Covid-19 impact health economics Germany

MArS has extensive experience in health economic modelling an support you in your endeavors.

Stay healthy!

MArS-Webinar invitation: How many billion of Euros does the fight against the Covid-19-virus cost the healthcare system? A health economic modelling analysis for Germany.

The covid-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on daily life of populations and also a significant budget impact for health care systems. There are various statistical simulation tools available in the context of Covid-19 developed by different institutions. The CovidSIM is a simulator developed by academic experts on behalf of the ministry of social welfare (and health) of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany).

The MArS Covid-19 task force will show you in this webinar:

• How well this simulator can predict the outbreak and situation in Germany.

• How much the health care utilization cost have been so far for the German health care system.

• In which way you might leverage this simulation tool.

Register now – seats are limited:


Covid-19 crisis makes KOLs availability difficult – MArS has the solution

Given the covid-19 crisis, most clinical KOLs are no more able to attend any physical meetings or even phone calls due to the heavy work load in some areas of the D-A-CH countries!
MArS is working since years in a step-wise approach for such situations, when KOLs might be difficult to be approached:
  • Physical Advisory Board Meeting
  • Virtual Advisory Board Meeting
  • Virtual Delphi Panel

Please contact us directly and get your tailor-made solution to stay in contact with your KOLs:

G-BA prepared their decision-making capacity given the COVID-19 outbreak

The G-BA has decided today that the COVID-19 outbreak and the related public restrictions are special circumstances in their internal regulations. Hence they can now also utilize videoconferences and written decision-making. See also details on their website. Their decision is still due until the Ministry of Health decides on the resolution.

So, the market access route for drugs, medical devices, diagnostics, vaccinations is still open and ready for (new) innovations.

MArS has vast experience in market access strategy, the writing of applications and related price negotiations. Contact us!

Work environment given the COVID-19 outbreak

Dear clients, network partners, friends!!

Most of companies are moving now into home-office-based business given the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus! Home-office sounds easy, it is not always, especially if you have not (yet) a grown culture on that kind of work.

We at MArS always work from our home-offices, and we have specific tricks and recommendations you need to follow in order to make it successful! On the work environment section of our website you can find already some suggestions.

But please take this as an offer: Contact me or any MArS member to get insights how home-office can be made a successful story given the difficult situation we are currently all in.

Take care and stay at home!!

New analysis on external reference pricing shows negative impact on drug availability

Kanavos et al. just published another analysis on external reference pricing (ERP). ERP is widely applied by many payers across the world and also delivers short term cost savings for health care systems. Conclusions by Kanavos et al. are as follows: “ERP has not regulated prices efficiently and has unintended consequences that reduce the benefits arising from it. If ERP is carefully designed with minimal price revisions, prudent selection of basket size and countries, and consideration of transaction prices, it could be a more effective mechanism enhancing welfare, equitable access to medicines within countries and help promote industry innovation.”

The full article is available in the European Journal of Health Economics.

MArS has experience in pricing research and strategy as well as in price negotiations and can hence assess the ERP impact on the D-A-CH countries in detail.

MArS teaching at the MedTech Startup School in Tuebingen / Germany

At the start of a product’s lifecycle there are many questions to be answered and many processes to be planned. One of the core areas to cover is pricing and reimbursement as this has a direct impact on the price and patient outreach (“availability”) and hence a company’s revenues flow. MArS is teaching the tools and processes as tutors at the Startup School Tuebingen with a variety of new companies and various bright business ideas.

With our experience in pricing planning, insurance contacts, submissions and negotiations we can help driving a company through the endeavor of market access from the early days until the end.

Price negotiation article published – link MArS negotiation boot camp

Price negotiation strategy is most of the times also linked to the available evidence and the potential bet on future data. Gladwell et al. have just published a nice simulation approach with the example in the UK which can also be utilized in the D-A-CH context. For the German AMNOG that approach is also relevant for orphan drugs earlier in the process also with the G-BA and for any pharmaceutical within the price negotiations with the GKV-SV.

The article is available in Value in Health.

MArS has long-lasting experience in (price) negotiations in the D-A-CH regions. We have also developed an internal and successful negotiation boot camp utilizing virtual reality. Contact us for a live demonstration.

Secondary HE analysis on the EFFORT study published!

Existing guidelines support the importance of nutritional interventions for medical inpatients at malnutrition risk to alleviate the impact of malnutrition on outcomes. MArS in conjunction with the investigators of the EFFORT – a pragmatic, investigator-initiated, open-label, multicenter Swiss trial have developed and executed a probabilistic health economic analysis. Our evaluation demonstrates that in-hospital nutritional support for medical inpatients is a highly cost-effective intervention in Switzerland to reduce risks for ICU admissions and hospital-associated complications, while improving patient survival.

The full article is available on the website of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition

MArS has a strong background in health economics, the related data analytics, medical writing and communication with payers. We have developed various health economic analyses in the last years which lead to over 35 manuscripts in scientific journals and more than 150 presentations at conferences.

MArS is now a proud member of the Head Association of Digital Health Care in Germany!!

The Head Association of Digital Health Care (SVDGV) has just been established in 2019 also driven by the new regulations on reimbursement for medical apps. MArS is a member and joined the working groups on reimbursement and evidence.

MArS has a vast majority of experience in the German reimbursement landscape, submissions and price negotiations and will be able to also transfer that into the new field for reimbursement of medical apps. Contact us.