Health economics

Health economics comprises various methodological areas, which are covered at MArS by experienced employees. A systematic literature search must meet high quality systematic requirements, e.g. it must be planned on the basis of the PICO criteria, a search strategy must be pre-specified and the relevant databases must be searched. A clearly defined extraction overview must also be developed. A systematic literature search in the clinical field can then be supplemented by a meta-analysis and completed by a network meta-analysis. A wide variety of guidelines must be observed for the preparation of such analyses and the statistical methods must be understood in detail.

Furthermore, more and more payers in the D-A-CH countries, often at regional and local level, are demanding a health economic analysis. These can include traditional cost-effectiveness analyses, but also, for example, a budget impact or return-on-investment calculation. These analysis methods follow scientifically high-quality guidelines, which are valid on national and international levels. In order to carry out such a calculation with its assumptions, it is often necessary to involve clinical experts, and in some cases also to discuss it with payers. A detailed cost survey and the search for relevant input variables are also important.

Finally, such health economic evaluations must also be communicated in a targeted manner. This is often done through publication in professional journals and summaries for use by physicians and decision-makers.

MArS can build on many years of experience, which can also be traced through numerous publications and contributions at national and international conferences.

Health economics

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Clinical Trial Planning from a Payer’s Perspective


Communication with payers




Submissions for reimbursement of expenses


Price negotiation


Public Relations / Public Relations