How does an optimized communication strategy look like, Dr. Arne Näveke?

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Companies, including start-ups, are usually focused solely on the development of the product and/or the technical platform in the early days. As understandable and important these aspects are, if they don’t start to think about their public communications strategy from the very beginning, they might be in danger of failing.                                                           

Already in the very early stages of the development of pharmaceuticals or med tech products, companies need to think about the following key points: 

Will patients need and want the new product?

Will physicians prescribe it?

Will payers pay for it?


And thus they should come up with a convincing value story towards all stakeholders as only if they could convince all of these, investors will see the potential return of investment! But ultimately, all of that needs to be communicated… The reimbursement veteran Dr. Stefan Walzer these and more aspects around (global and local) communication with the communication expert Dr. Arne Näveke. 

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