How will the US Inflation Reduction Act change pricing of pharmaceuticals, Anita Burrell?

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The Inflation Reduction Act in the US will change fundamental how the US pharmaceutical industry works. 

The IRA will negotiate their own prices for Medicare and Medicaid, which will have the result, that they will not pay the same prices in the future anymore.

With Medicare the government directly funds pharmaceuticals for 65+ years old population.

With Medicaid the government fund low income and other vulnerable populations.

Given, that the private insurance sector will follow the lead of government negotiated prices, all prices will decrease.

Revenues in the US will decline, and it will be interesting to see, what that will mean economically and in terms of availability of pharmaceuticals for the US and the global market?

Please enjoy the discussion of market access veterans Dr. Stefan Walzer and Anita Burell MBA on this major change in the major market for pharmaceuticals.

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